You can find a lot of job vacancies here. We'll try to update it everyday. So, better check this blog as much as possible. Thanks.

March 31, 2010

Vacancy Bussan Auto Finance BAF

we are looking for experience people to fill the following positions:

A. IT Network Engineer Staff (IT-NE)
B. IT System Administrator Staff (IT-SA)

- Male or Female, with max age of 28
- Bachelor degree from reputable university majoring in Computer Science, with min 2,7 of scale 4
- Able to speak and write English well
- Willing to work overtime and in shift
- Willing to be placed in JABOTABEK area
- Minimum 1 year job experience in IT, but fresh graduates are welcomed to apply
- Willing to learn
- Willing to travel to branches located around Indonesia
- Able to work under pressure and meet your deadline
- Able to work individually and in team
- Able to develop troubleshooting skill

IT/Computer Skill:
- Basic knowledge of computer hardware/software problem troubleshooting (NE,SA)
- Basic knowledge of using office suite (NE,SA)
- Basic knowledge of Microsoft Active Directory is preferred (SA)
- Basic knowledge of Unix/Linux administration is preferred (NE,SA)
- Basic knowledge of database or SQL Language is welcome (SA)
- Basic knowledge of TCP/IP routing & subnetting is welcomed (NE,SA)
- CNAp participation certification is a must, CCNA certification is preferred (NE)

Those interested in being considered for this exciting opportunity, please send the detail application with the position code on the left side of the envelope not later than 8 days after the publication to:

PO BOX 4423 JKP 10044 or recruitment@bussan.co.id

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